Artificial Intelligence in Recruiting

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The implementation of artificial intelligence (A.I.) into all aspects of our business and personal lives is moving forward rapidly. Repetitive tasks will be increasingly Artificial Intelligence - Kathbern Management Toronto Executive Headhuntersdelegated to mechanized “robots” or algorithms which can sort data at blinding speed, thereby freeing humans to perform those tasks for which we are still superior. Like in many other areas, the use of artificial intelligence in the recruiting process is beginning to make inroads, particularly in certain high-volume repetitive situations.

Should You be Considering Artificial Intelligence in Your Recruiting Process?

Every bit of information helps when you are looking for more data on candidates during the hiring process and, thanks to A.I., we now have one more tool to do just that. Many multinational corporations, such has Unilever, have already been using A.I. to read facial expressions and body language to reveal more about candidates’ personalities and allow them to make better hiring decisions. Unilever has reported positive results in using A.I. for hiring Artificial Intelligence Finger Touching A Human Finger - Kathbern Management Toronto Executive Headhuntersemployees for entry-level positions, stating an increase in diversity and cost-savings.

Using technology to screen candidates via online tests, and then videos that are analyzed by artificial intelligence, can be much more efficient in creating a short list of candidates than sifting through résumés, conducting phone screens and scheduling interviews. By leveraging technology, it is possible to narrow a large pool of candidates to a manageable group that can reviewed by human interviewers for a final analysis and decision.

The More Information, The Better

Body Language Mind Map - Kathbern Management Toronto Executive HeadhuntersArtificial Intelligence candidate screening technology may differ depending on the service you use, but essentially it will analyze things such as conversational tone, facial expressions, and body language. This can help gauge characteristics such as honesty, listening ability, openness and speaking ability, which is beneficial for companies to know about any potential candidate.

Lower Costs

There is a cost-efficiency benefit of using artificial intelligence, reducing the dependence on human recruiters to screen incoming candidates and allowing the focus of human recruiters to target only those candidates who have been selected by the A.I. process.

Less Time

A.I. can perform the screening process much quicker, thereby speeding up the entire hiring process and making it less likely that good candidates will be lost to competitive offers due to delays. This is also positive from the candidates’ point of view as it provides a positive first impression of a company that is organized and Stop Watches - Kathbern Management Toronto Executive Headhuntersusing up-to-date technology.

By using A.I. technology to screen candidates, it not only shows that your company is up to speed, but it is also more convenient for candidates. Searching for a new job can be a frustrating process for candidates so, by using this type of technology, companies can reduce this frustration by giving faster feedback.

More Diversity

Using technology to screen candidates will tend to minimize conscious or unconscious bias based on factors that are not strictly related to the requirements of the job as defined by the algorithm used by the A.I. process. This will tend to allow a more diverse array of candidates to be short-listed and permit a greater focus that is strictly limited to key job related requirements.

Read More: Hiring and Developing Emotional Intelligence

Is It All Good?

As advanced as technology is getting, and as helpful as it is, there are still limitations in any new development and A.I. is no exception. While A.I. can help to screen A Person Pushing Their Limits - Kathbern Management Toronto Executive Headhunterscandidates, there is still something to be said for human involvement for the immediate future until A.I. capabilities have advanced further.

Currently, it seems that the best application of A.I. is with high-volume entry-level positions, still leaving final decisions with humans. For more senior-level positions where there are not the same volume issues, we are probably still at a stage where, beyond on-line assessment tools, humans are still the best screening tools.

Read More: Five Ways Your Hiring Process Can Lose Top Talent

Is Artificial Intelligence Right for My Company?

If you are a company that has a high volume of candidates applying for entry-level roles, and you have analyzed your hiring process and feel it can be done much A Person With A Question Mark In His Mind - Kathbern Management Toronto Executive Headhuntersmore efficiently, then A.I. may be a worthwhile consideration. Of course, great effort must be made to define the characteristics that the artificial intelligence process will use since, once defined, they will be implemented at a high rate of speed and any errors will be repeated many times over.

Introducing new technology into an existing process takes a lot of thought and strategy, so work with your leadership teams, HR recruitment teams, and any potential external vendors to find the right tool and process that will benefit your company long term and ensure its success.


Kathbern Management is an executive search consultancy based in Toronto, helping companies find the executives and senior managers who not only have the experience and credentials to fulfill their responsibilities, but also have the emotional and “fit” requirements that will enable them to be successful in a particular environment. We simplify the process and, through our deep research, are able to bring more and better candidates forward than would ever be possible through a do-it-yourself passive advertising campaign.

Contact us today for a free consultation about your key person search.

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