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A Hand Holding A Sign Showing A Bonus Program - Kathbern Management Toronto Recruiting Firm

Management’s Secret Weapon – Bonus Programs

A well-considered bonus program can be a powerful tool for optimizing performance for everyone involved – employees, management and the organization as a whole. Poorly constructed systems can create a lot of havoc by rewarding a few and causing unintended consequences that actually divert the organization from reaching its goals.
A Businessman Standing On A Question Mark - Kathbern Management Toronto Executive Headhunters

Micromanagement or Negligence – Which is Worse?

Every manager needs to set priorities, not only for their organization but for themselves as well.  The primary decision that overrides everything else is how to allocate time. Available time is fixed, and it is disappearing by the second. What is the best use of a manager’s time? What tasks
A Checklist On A White Paper - Kathbern Management Toronto Recruiting Agency

A CEO Checklist

There’s never enough time.  So, with what little time there is, you had better be doing the most important things first in order to survive and thrive. Abraham Maslow, the creator of Maslow’s Hierarchy, set out an order of priorities for individuals which explains that until “lower” needs are satisfied,
A Person Who Has Broken Through A Brick Wall - Kathbern Management Toronto Recruiting Agency

2023 (After the Crisis)

The first six months following the 2020 lockdown were the hardest, but humans are a resilient species and despite the sharp spike in worldwide deaths due to the COVID-19 coronavirus, and the economic toll caused by the immediate suspension of economic activity, people soon began to adapt to the new
Employee Washing Their Hands - Kathbern Management Toronto Executive Headhunters

Ways to Keep Your Employees Virus-Free at Work

While a great number of businesses are shut down in response to the Covid-19 threat, many are still operating at present. At some point the others will resume operations but should be doing everything possible to avoid a continuation or resumption of the spread of this virus. We at Kathbern
Robot Business People - Toronto Executive Headhunters

Artificial Intelligence in Recruiting

The implementation of artificial intelligence (A.I.) into all aspects of our business and personal lives is moving forward rapidly. Repetitive tasks will be increasingly delegated to mechanized “robots” or algorithms which can sort data at blinding speed, thereby freeing humans to perform those tasks for which we are still superior.
A 4 Day Workweek Calendar - Kathbern Management Toronto Recruiting Firm

Will The Four-Day Workweek Catch On?

In earlier times, employees were lucky to have a 6 day workweek – usually Sunday off in Western cultures. Then a great stride forward was taken and most employees got half of Saturday off as well.  Then all of Saturday. Of course, those particular days of the week don’t apply
A Person on a Downhill Slope - Kathbern Management Toronto Recruiting Firm

Is “Over 50” “Over The Hill”?

If you aren’t there already, you’re going to get there eventually (hopefully). In some people’s minds, 50 may be the new 30 but, in some employers’ minds, candidates who are over 50 arouse stereotypical concerns such as “coasting to retirement”, inflexibility, outmoded thinking, unwillingness to change, lack of energy, unfamiliarity