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An Employee Jumping Ship - Kathbern Management Toronto Recruiting Agency

Five Strategies to Help Ensure Your Top Performers Don’t Jump Ship

Merge Gupta-Sunderji turns managers into leaders. Through engaging keynotes and seminars, she gives people specific and practical tools to achieve leadership and communication success. You can contact her at or 403-605-4756. With Ms. Gupta-Sunderji’s permission, the following is a reprint of her article entitled “Five strategies to help ensure top performers
An Executive Search - Kathbern Management Toronto recruiting agency

Executive Search – Who Needs It?

Choosing a key person for your company is a big decision that should not be taken lightly. Many companies opt to do their recruiting internally by posting their openings on their websites or on job boards. This is easy enough to get started, but when the résumés start coming in,
Larry Mogelonsky - Kathbern Mangagement Toronto Recruitment Agency

HVAC From Hell

The following article appeared in the July 24, 2018 edition of The Hotel Mogel Weekly Newsletter and is based on the experiences of Larry Mogelonsky, President of Hotel Mogel Consulting Limited ( Larry can be reached at Over the past few months I have gained a newfound appreciation for
A Caricature of a Hand With Three Fingers Held Up - Kathbern Management Toronto Recruiting Agency

The Big Three In Business

Doing business means paying attention to millions of details that compete for your time. You can’t do it all yourself so (unless you are a sole proprietor) you have people to help you, either internally or externally. Oh yes, then there is the little issue of money, or to be
Janet Candido Guest Blogger - Kathbern Management Toronto Recruiting Agency

Your Top Performer Is Resigning. What Now?

An owner or manager may feel the practical and psychological void left by the departure of someone whom they relied on – and even thought of as an ally or friend. But while losing a great employee is hard, acting irrationally could hurt future relationships and make the transition more

Confidential Search: Not Always Desirable, But Sometimes Necessary

Replacing an employee who still works at your company can be tricky. Often, companies feel that they are better off keeping an underperforming employee a while longer rather than having a vacancy because of their job function. For many companies, losing an employee can affect morale and can also really
Top Talent Search - Kathbern Management Toronto Recruiting Agency

Five Ways Your Hiring Process Can Lose Top Talent (And How to Stop It)

Your hiring process will provide the very first impression a candidate is going to have for your company. It’s easy to think that candidates will overlook a dysfunctional hiring process if they really want to work for you, but that’s really not true. A bad hiring process can cause you

The Effective Executive (Getting More Done in Less Time) 

We are in the business of working on behalf of our clients to connect them with effective executives. But what are the ways that one can become an effective executive? Much has to do with effective time management and not only doing things right, but doing the right things in
Potential Job Candidates Online - Kathbern Management Toronto Recruiting Agency

Online Recruiting Magic! (Or So Some Would Have You Believe)

“Just post on Zip Recruiter and you often have great candidates within one day!” Really? In an increasingly digital world, almost everything these days is done online. For many recruiters and HR professionals, the recruitment process almost always starts on the Internet. Whether you’re reaching out to candidates via LinkedIn,